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Reduction in the Maternal Mortality Rate


Individuals Provided with HIV Testing


Antenatal Care Visits


Saved in Health Care Spending

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At an Internally Displaced Persons Settlement in Northern Nigeria, these Adolescents Plan for Bright Futures The ongoing conflict in northeastern…

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In 1965, Pathfinder helped establish the Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria and provided the first grant in family planning to the Nigerian Ministry of Health for pilot work in northern communities. Since that date, Pathfinder has worked with the government, community-based organizations, the private sector, faith-based institutions, and communities themselves to strengthen health systems and delivery of sexual and reproductive health care. We have reached some of Nigeria’s most underserved people with reproductive health care, including first-time mothers, refugee communities, and families in rural areas.

Across Nigeria, Pathfinder has traversed the length and breadth of the country, working with government, community-based organizations, the private sector, faith-based institutions and communities to build capacity and strengthen health systems. 

  • Health Systems Strengthening 
    Pathfinder collaborates with government and other relevant stakeholders at all levels to address health system challenges that affect sustained access to quality SRH services. We leverage existing advocacy platforms and mobilize additional local and international stakeholders to engage policy makers, ensuring SRHR is prioritized. 
  • Maternal and Newborn Health 
    Pathfinder works to ensure women can receive quality, respectful maternal care from their home to the health facility. We mobilize communities to identify danger signs and activate emergency transport systems, so pregnant women reach health facilities when the need arises. 
  • Adolescents and Youth 
    Pathfinder works to ensure a full range of contraceptive methods is available, so people of all ages can choose the option that’s best for them. We train providers to deliver quality health care to young people, including HIV services for adolescents and young mothers. 
  • Social and Behavior Change 
    Pathfinder works to address social norms that affect women and girls’ access to SRH services, within a rights-based framework that engages women and girls to understand and address barriers to care as they experience them. We also work with community structures, local and state governments to promote social behavioral change (SBC) through targeted trainings, community dialogues, and focused group discussions. 

Give women and girls control over their future.

Your support provides the reproductive care women and girls need to thrive.

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Our Nigeria Team

Amina Aminu Dorayi

Senior Country Director

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