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Sustaining PHE Activities in Kenya and Uganda

In 2022, Knowledge SUCCESS collaborated with 128 Collective (formerly Preston-Werner Ventures) and USAID, to conduct a rapid stock-taking exercise to document the sustained impact of a cross-sectoral integrated Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) project. That exercise resulted in a learning brief that shares the lessons and learnings about scale-up and sustainability of the Health of People and Environment-Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB) project activities in Kenya and Uganda since project closure in 2019.

Webinar panelists, representing community groups, organizations, networks, and government, will share their unique experiences on how HoPE-LVB activities have continued and been adapted from their perspective.

Please join our moderator and four panelists for this engaging presentation and bring your questions for the moderated Q&A portion. REGISTER >>


  • Itoro Inoyo, USAID/PHI
  • Pamela Onduso, Pathfinder International, Kenya PHE Network
  • James Peter Olemo, National Population Council, Uganda PHE Network
  • Daniel Abonyo, Rachuonyo Environmental Conservation Initiatives (RECI), Homa Bay, Kenya
  • Jostas Mwebembezi, Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy, Uganda

The webinar will be in English with simultaneous interpretation into French.

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