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Conference on Public Health in Africa 2023

The Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA) is approaching quickly! We’ll be in Lusaka, Zambia from Monday, November 27 to Thursday, November 30, and we’re looking forward to learning and sharing best practices for building more resilient health systems across the African continent.  

We’ll also be co-hosting an official virtual CPHIA side event, Gender Equity for a Stronger Health Workforce, with Living Goods, Muso Health, and VillageReach on November 22—the week before the in-person conference kicks off in Lusaka. Our Lydia Saloucou Zoungrana will also be featured as a speaker in Shifting Power and Advancing Gender Equity: Who Listens to Women and Girls? on November 30. Please see below for all details.  

If you plan to be on the ground in Lusaka, we invite you to reach out for a meeting!

Gender Equity for a Stronger Health Workforce 

Date: November 22, 2023 |Time: 18:00 (CAT) , 11:00 AM (EST)
Where: Virtual

Last September, world leaders gathered at the United Nations to recommit to achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Countries’ ability to fulfill UHC commitments depends on the availability, accessibility, and capacity of professionally trained health workers. Africa’s health worker ratio of 1.55 per 1,000 people falls short of the WHO’s 4.45 threshold for essential care. Community Health Workers are an invaluable resource which can fill human resources gaps by providing people-centered preventative and curative health services, but only if they are supported with digital tools, adequate supplies, supervision, and remuneration.  

Addressing inequities that undermine health systems and global health security is critical for sustaining development. Women represent about 70% of health workers globally but hold only 25% of decision-making roles. Health workers deliver care from the city to the last mile but routinely work in under-resourced, unsupportive conditions. “Investment in public health workforce and leadership programs to ensure Africa has the workforce it needs to address health threats” is rightfully a key pillar of Africa CDC’s New Public Health Order. 

To ensure fulfillment of both UHC goals and the New Public Health Order, partner alignment behind government leadership is critical. This event will bring together speakers and participants from government, donors, implementing partners and health worker groups to discuss strategies to advance investments in health workforce including: 

  • Innovative financing  
  • Training and supporting health workforce teams, including community health workers 
  • Supporting policies that address gender inequality in the health workforce and in the design of programs and services 

Shifting Power and Advancing Gender Equity: Who Listens to Women and Girls?

Parallel Session: Track 4A
Date: November 30, 2023 |Time: 13:30 CAT 
Where: Mulungushi International Conference Center, Main Hall, Old Wing

Meet the CPHIA Delegation

Lydia Saloucou | @LSaloucou 
President, Africa
Burkina Faso

Lydia Saloucou Zoungrana was selected as Pathfinder’s President, Africa, in April 2023. Based in Ouagadougou, she will lead the program portfolio in sub-Saharan Africa, collaborating closely with country directors across the continent. Prior to this appointment, Lydia served as Pathfinder’s country director in Burkina Faso since 2016.

Joseph Komwihangiro | @DrKomwihangiro
Country Director

A medical doctor with more than 15 years of experience leading and managing donor-funded health programs in Tanzania, Dr. Joseph Komwihangiro combines his technical experience with his passion for helping women and young people.

Edirin Aderemi | @OloriEdi
Regional Advocacy Manager, Anglophone

Edirin Aderemi has more than 15 years of professional work experience in Program Management, Advocacy, Program Monitoring & Evaluation, and Program Operations. She Joined Pathfinder International in December 2015 and she is currently Pathfinder’s Regional Advocacy Manager for Anglophone Africa providing support on advocacy and external engagement.

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