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Pathfinder Provides Critical Support to Refugees Displaced by Monsoons in Bangladesh

Monsoons are devastating Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh—destroying the homes and infrastructure that almost 900,000 Rohingya refugees depend upon. Most of the refugees fled violence in Myanmar four years ago, and thousands are now being forcibly displaced again due to flooding, landslides, and strong winds and storms.

As of July 29, the weather conditions had caused more than 21,000 refugees to be displaced and 21 deaths in refugee and host communities.

Pathfinder is working closely with local partners to respond the emergency. We continue to provide sexual and reproductive health care in health clinics that have not been damaged by the monsoons, and we are working with community health workers to distribute clothing, hygiene products, and other crucial supplies families count on.

“The situation in the camps is extremely critical, and we are working closely with our partners in Cox’s Bazar to provide lifesaving support to the Rohingya,” said Caroline Crosbie, Pathfinder’s Country Director in Bangladesh.

The ability of humanitarian aid organizations to travel to the refugee camps and respond the crisis is hampered by a surge in COVID-19 cases across Bangladesh. The country is currently experiencing its highest infection rates since the pandemic began. The sustained presence of organizations like Pathfinder and our local partners, which have been providing reproductive health care in Cox’s Bazar since 2019, is essential to delivering immediate aid to refugee families.

Extreme weather events caused by climate change and COVID-19 outbreaks not only threaten the Rohingya—they threaten the numerous communities we serve around the world. It is imperative that we integrate health programs with activities that increase community resilience to climate change and other emergencies.

Support our efforts to provide immediate assistance to the Rohingya here >>

Learn more about Pathfinder’s approach to women-led climate resilience here >>

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