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Assessing Progress of SRH Self-Care in Humanitarian Settings: One Year Anniversary of the Global Call to Action

One year ago, the IAWG Self-Care Task Team and Self-Care Trailblazer Group launched a Global Call to Action for Sexual and Reproductive Health Self-Care in Humanitarian and Fragile Settings.

In the past year we have seen the positive impact of self-care to expand access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive healthcare in areas experiencing conflict, crisis or fragility. However, investment and action are still needed to meet the three-year targets the global community set in the Global Call to Action.

To commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Global Call to Action and track progress against targets, we invite you to join the IAWG Self-Care Task Team, the Self-Care Trailblazer Group and our partners for a virtual anniversary event on 31 July at 8:00am NYC (14:00 Geneva/15:00 Nairobi) featuring presentations from ongoing research, implementation, and policy development for SRH self-care in humanitarian settings as well as a panel discussion focused on addressing the persisting gaps in progress and priorities for the next year.

Pathfinder’s Christine Lasway, Senior Technical Advisor, will participate on the panel.

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