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Global Health Practitioner Conference 2024 – Resource Library

The Global Health Practitioner Conference (GHPC) is an annual conference being organized by CORE Group. CORE Group is a leader in community health working to end preventable maternal, newborn, and child deaths around the world. Through collaborative action CORE Group promotes and safeguards health in communities and creates models for reaching the most marginalized populations.

Check out the resources library, which includes Pathfinder impact stories and publications, below:




Featured Stories & Perspectives

Working with the Private Sector to Build a World Where Women and Girls Thrive

Strong partnerships are behind everything we do at Pathfinder—our work with government to strengthen health systems, with local partners to…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Uniting Refugees and Host Communities in Egypt to Improve the Safety of Women and Girls

Migration has been on the rise for the past five decades, and there are currently more than 280 million people…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Supporting Our Most Trusted Partners: Community Health Workers

Pathfinder’s contributions to professionalization of the community health workforce in Africa Much of the impact Pathfinder has had over the…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Transforming the Lives of Ethiopian Women Through Community-Based Health Insurance

“We see cases that would have been difficult to handle at home, that tells me that we are saving a…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

A Formula for Enduring Partnerships in Burkina Faso

Since 2018, the Evidence to Action (E2A) Project has partnered with Burkina Faso’s Ministry of Health to strengthen critical reproductive…

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