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Engaging Couples, Engaging Communities

Across India’s Bihar and Maharashtra states, married couples are joining together to reach young couples with modern contraception. This story…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Meet Vaishali and Subash, Yuvaakaars for Life!

Across India’s Bihar and Maharashtra states, married couples are joining together to reach young couples with modern contraception. This story…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

YUVAA’s Digital Innovations

Across India’s Bihar and Maharashtra states, married couples are joining together to reach young couples with modern contraception. This story…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

A Matter of Perspective

What to look at when approaching family planning initiatives Imagine relationships in a world without the internet, smartphones, or Google.…

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Pathfinder has worked in India since 1963, partnering with the government of India to bring information and services to the people who need them most. From long-acting contraception for adolescents to emergency care for pregnant women who live far away from a health facility, we go where the need is greatest.

One in eight young people in the world lives in India, and Pathfinder’s work in the country focuses on this growing population. Pathfinder has designed and delivered more than 15 innovative projects in the country within the States of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, Delhi, and Maharashtra. Pathfinder has improved sexual and reproductive health outcomes, with a focus on vulnerable and hard to reach populations, by delivering projects aimed at averting unintended pregnancies and promoting healthy timing and spacing practices. 

  • Working with Adolescents and Youth: The largest generation of young people in history is coming of age in India. Pathfinder works to make sure young people can prevent unintended pregnancy and space their births—an investment that offers profound benefits to today’s youth and future generations. Pathfinder works to increase the number of outlets and service providers delivering appropriate, responsive, and quality SRH services to young people including LGBTQI and differently abled youth. Pathfinder also works to reach young people where they are through digital technologies/telemedicine and self- care to expand access and use of SRH products and services among youth. 
  • Increasing Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services: Pathfinder delivers innovative service delivery models to expand the reach of family planning services, specifically for vulnerable populations such as Mahadalits, young couples, and traditionally underserved communities. To increase the provider base and to complement the government provision of services in rural areas, Pathfinder engages with private sector in models such as accreditation facilitation, quality improvement, social marketing, and social entrepreneurship. 
  • Social and Behavior Change Interventions: Pathfinder delivers innovative communication campaigns that target key stakeholders. Pathfinder uses digital technologies, capacity-building modules, and social behavior change toolkits to address barriers to reproductive health, supports health facilities to address service provider attitudes and biases to improve FP service practices, including counselling, method choice, and quality of care. 
  • Comprehensive Safe Abortion Care: Pathfinder delivers program interventions to increase women and girl’s agency and autonomy to address social stigma at the individual and community level and barriers to abortion care at the service provider level. At the community level, Pathfinder conducts awareness campaigns about the laws around abortion in the country, the dangers of unsafe abortion, and the availability of safe abortion services. 

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Engaging Couples, Engaging Communities

Across India’s Bihar and Maharashtra states, married couples are joining together to reach young couples with modern contraception. This story…

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Meet Vaishali and Subash, Yuvaakaars for Life!

Across India’s Bihar and Maharashtra states, married couples are joining together to reach young couples with modern contraception. This story…

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YUVAA’s Digital Innovations

Across India’s Bihar and Maharashtra states, married couples are joining together to reach young couples with modern contraception. This story…

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A Matter of Perspective

What to look at when approaching family planning initiatives Imagine relationships in a world without the internet, smartphones, or Google.…

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Our India Team

Manish Mitra

Country Director

Laxmi Rao

Senior Director, Social Behavior Change

Lopamudra Paul

Director, Research & MEL

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