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Côte d’Ivoire

Since 2020, Pathfinder's work in Côte d'Ivoire has resulted in more than...


Unintended pregnancies averted


Maternal deaths averted


Unsafe abortions averted


Direct health care costs saved

Featured Stories & Perspectives

Family Planning Services During the First Wave of COVID-19 in Four West African Countries

Disponible en Français, ci-dessous >> Assessing the influence of crises on health services is often retrospective, with evidence from studies…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Christiane Ahore, Côte d’Ivoire: Five African Women to Know for International Women’s Day

Q&A with Christiane Ahore On International Women’s Day 2022, we sat down with Christiane Ahore, Pathfinder Operations Manager. She joined…

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Pathfinder works with local partners in Côte d’Ivoire to strengthen access to and use of quality contraceptive services, advance the right to abortion, and promote free postpartum and immediate post-abortion contraception. We implement a variety of programs with and for women and girls and engage men and boys in family planning as supportive partners and agents of social and behavior change.  

In Côte d’Ivoire, Pathfinder provides invaluable support to the Ministry of health to make quality sexual and reproductive health services accessible. This includes improving maternal and child health by making postpartum contraception available; linking communities and health systems so that women, men, and youth, regardless of their circumstances, have access to quality health services; and strengthening the capacity of health providers to deliver quality contraceptive care and services. 

  • Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights 
    Pathfinder supports and engages adolescents and youth so that can make informed and knowledgeable decisions about their sexual and reproductive health. We use evidence-based curricula that promote reflection on gender norms, attitudes, and behaviors, and use digital technologies to promote healthy sexual and reproductive behaviors. 
  • Contraceptive Access for All  
    Pathfinder partners with community-based organizations, community health workers, and youth organizations to increase demand for contraception. With our local partners, we apply social and behavior change approaches to eliminate stigma related to contraception and sexual and reproductive health issues and promote contraceptive access for all through community dialogues, guided tours, focus group discussions, and digital platforms. We also engage men and boys in contraceptive programs for greater gender equity in relationships, families, and communities.
  • Comprehensive Abortion Care 
    Pathfinder ensures women and girls know their rights and have the information they need to access comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care, including safe abortion and postabortion care. At the same time, Pathfinder sensitizes community and religious leaders on the consequences of unsafe abortion. We support local communities to take the lead in advocating for changes to social norms that suppress women’s rights to sexual and reproductive health care. By engaging community members in initiatives that reduce their prejudices and judgmental attitudes toward abortion services, we further women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and rights.

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The Latest

Family Planning Services During the First Wave of COVID-19 in Four West African Countries

Disponible en Français, ci-dessous >> Assessing the influence of crises on health services is often retrospective, with evidence from studies…

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Christiane Ahore, Côte d’Ivoire: Five African Women to Know for International Women’s Day

Q&A with Christiane Ahore On International Women’s Day 2022, we sat down with Christiane Ahore, Pathfinder Operations Manager. She joined…

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