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Featured Stories & Perspectives

From Policy to Practice: Revolutionizing Family Planning in Uganda

USAID/Uganda Family Planning Activity Celebrates World Contraception Day 2024 As we approach World Contraception Day 2024, Uganda faces a stark…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Working Across Communities and Sectors to Protect and Uplift Young Women and Girls

How a Pathfinder program in Mozambique is working with a variety of community partners to prevent child, early, and forced…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Working with the Private Sector to Build a World Where Women and Girls Thrive

Strong partnerships are behind everything we do at Pathfinder—our work with government to strengthen health systems, with local partners to…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Reflections on Women’s Role in Crisis: Climate Change and Security

Pathfinder International recently convened the “Regional Parliamentarian Meeting on Gender Empowerment and Green Economy” in Islamabad, Pakistan. During the forum,…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Low Dose, High Frequency: How a Clinical Mentoring Program Saves Women’s Lives in Democratic Republic of the Congo

About USAID PROSANI PROSANI USAID (USAID’s Integrated Health Program) focuses on six areas of health: maternal, newborn, and child health;…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Her Future, Her Choice

How a Pathfinder Program is Supporting Youth on International Youth Day – and, Every Day! Pathfinder’s Her Future, Her Choice…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Equity Must Be More Than a Buzzword 

Equity is at the foundation of Pathfinder’s work to strengthen resilient health systems, through lasting and trusted local partnerships, in…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Empowering Girls and Young Women: The Key to Achieving an AIDS-free Generation

This article first appeared in the MediaplanetUSA Living With HIV and AIDS campaign, which was published in USA Today and online on…

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Client holds HIV/AIDS treatment drugs.
Featured Stories & Perspectives

Clear Climate-health Connection Impacting Conditions for Women and Girls

This article first appeared in the Mediaplanet Global Resilience campaign, which was published in The New Scientist. The climate crisis is threatening…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

South-South Learning is Key to Localization of Global Health

As we strengthen our locally led approaches to country programs and operations in every country where Pathfinder works, we must…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Pathways – June 2024: Honoring Refugees Around the World

Pathfinder works with local, government, and humanitarian partners to design programs that respond to the unique needs of women and…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

During Security Crisis, Burkinabe NGOs Play Critical Role in Healthcare Delivery

Local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Burkina Faso’s Centre Nord, Sahel, and Est regions have been critical to sustaining healthcare delivery…

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Through the USAID MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience program, Pathfinder works northern Mali to improve health services in areas experiencing significant insecurity from the presence of armed and radical groups. This security context has led to a shortage of trained and qualified health providers. In Gao and Timbuktu, MOMENTUM is restoring public health services, focused on increasing the resilience of households, communities, and health systems. This work, builds on previous and ongoing USAID/Mali Health Office investments in service delivery, supply chains, information systems strengthening and policies, as well as activities funded by USAID’s Office of Humanitarian Assistance. 

MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience seeks to increase health system resilience and preparedness in Gao and Timbuktu. MOMENTUM works with  partners to achieve the following results:  

  1. Improved and equitable access to essential services, including maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) care; family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) services; and immunization, nutrition, and household water, sanitation, and hygiene services (including emergency care).
  2. Increased accountability of district and other local governance structures to absorb, adapt to, and recover from health system shocks and stresses. 
  3. Increased cross-sectoral collaboration to improve or prevent backsliding of health outcomes. 

In Mali, MOMENTUM supports 38 community-funded health centers and two referral hospitals in  Gao and Timbuktu with health provider trainings, mentorship, and on-site supervision, as well as emergency preparedness and response. Through mentorship, health staff  identify shocks and stresses that impact service delivery and develop action plans to ensure service continuity. Providers also learn how to reduce their biases when providing FP/RH services to adolescents and youth through a  behavior change approach that engages providers, community members, and young people.  

At the community level, MOMENTUM strengthens the technical and organizational capacity of local NGOs to implement integrated social and behavior change interventions for FP/RH, MNCH, nutrition, and immunization. These include intergenerational dialogues; educational talks in schools; awareness raising among community leaders; information, education, and communication sessions in community health centers ; and nutritional demonstrations.

Country Details

  • Modern contraceptive prevalence rate: 16% 
  • Unmet need for FP: 24% 
  • Maternal mortality rate: 325 per 100,000 live births 
  • Newborn mortality rate: 33 per 1,000 live births 
  • Adolescent pregnancy contributes to 36% of overall fertility 

Photo Caption: A family planning officer speaks to a community group during an intergenerational dialogue in Bellafarandi, Timbuktu. Photo Credit: ADIC Sahel (via MOMENTUM)

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From Policy to Practice: Revolutionizing Family Planning in Uganda

USAID/Uganda Family Planning Activity Celebrates World Contraception Day 2024 As we approach World Contraception Day 2024, Uganda faces a stark…

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Working Across Communities and Sectors to Protect and Uplift Young Women and Girls

How a Pathfinder program in Mozambique is working with a variety of community partners to prevent child, early, and forced…

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Working with the Private Sector to Build a World Where Women and Girls Thrive

Strong partnerships are behind everything we do at Pathfinder—our work with government to strengthen health systems, with local partners to…

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Reflections on Women’s Role in Crisis: Climate Change and Security

Pathfinder International recently convened the “Regional Parliamentarian Meeting on Gender Empowerment and Green Economy” in Islamabad, Pakistan. During the forum,…

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Low Dose, High Frequency: How a Clinical Mentoring Program Saves Women’s Lives in Democratic Republic of the Congo

About USAID PROSANI PROSANI USAID (USAID’s Integrated Health Program) focuses on six areas of health: maternal, newborn, and child health;…

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Her Future, Her Choice

How a Pathfinder Program is Supporting Youth on International Youth Day – and, Every Day! Pathfinder’s Her Future, Her Choice…

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Equity Must Be More Than a Buzzword 

Equity is at the foundation of Pathfinder’s work to strengthen resilient health systems, through lasting and trusted local partnerships, in…

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Client holds HIV/AIDS treatment drugs.

Empowering Girls and Young Women: The Key to Achieving an AIDS-free Generation

This article first appeared in the MediaplanetUSA Living With HIV and AIDS campaign, which was published in USA Today and online on…

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Clear Climate-health Connection Impacting Conditions for Women and Girls

This article first appeared in the Mediaplanet Global Resilience campaign, which was published in The New Scientist. The climate crisis is threatening…

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South-South Learning is Key to Localization of Global Health

As we strengthen our locally led approaches to country programs and operations in every country where Pathfinder works, we must…

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Pathways – June 2024: Honoring Refugees Around the World

Pathfinder works with local, government, and humanitarian partners to design programs that respond to the unique needs of women and…

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During Security Crisis, Burkinabe NGOs Play Critical Role in Healthcare Delivery

Local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Burkina Faso’s Centre Nord, Sahel, and Est regions have been critical to sustaining healthcare delivery…

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