Focus Areas
- Adolescents & Youth
- Climate & Health
- Contraception & Family Planning
- Combatting Gender-Based Violence
- Maternal, Newborn & Child Health
- Primary Health Care
Through the USAID MOMENTUM Integrated Resilience Health project, Pathfinder improves equitable access to quality family planning (FP) services in eight counties of South Sudan. Our work in South Sudan focuses on implementing the country’s behavior change strategy, “Sawa Le Baad” (“Together for Each Other”), which seeks to build trust, achieve gender equity, balance inequitable power dynamics, and sustain healthy behaviors. MOMENTUM also works to strengthen resilience capacities to mitigate shocks and stresses in fragile settings.
Since 2021, MOMENTUM has scaled evidence-based practices, improved service readiness, and enhanced the experience of care in 24 public and 28 private health facilities. With the South Sudan Nursing and Midwives Association, we have trained, coached, and/or mentored 206 health workers. MOMENTUM has also recruited, trained, and supported 216 Boma health workers to provide short-acting methods, including self-injection and emergency contraceptives. Social media campaigns are fostering awareness and uptake of self-care practices and methods. Through the work in South Sudan, 57,174 modern contraceptive clients were served.
Country Details
- Maternal mortality ratio: 1,223 per 100,000 live births1
- Unintended Pregnancies: = 542
- Number of Unintended Pregnancies: 141,0003
- Unmet Need Women of Reproductive Age: 81%4
- Women aged 15-49 who don’t deliver in a facility: 340,0005

Related Resources
- Family Planning (FP) Resilience Checklist
- A Married Couple Embraces Contraceptives in Magwi, South Sudan
- A Game that Truly is a Game-Changer for Men and Families in South Sudan
Photo Caption: A family planning officer speaks to a community group during an intergenerational dialogue in Bellafarandi, Timbuktu. Photo Credit: ADIC Sahel (via MOMENTUM)
1 Trends in maternal mortality 2000 to 2020: estimates by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group and UNDESA/Population Division. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2023. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
2-5 Guttmacher Institute, South Sudan country profile, 2022)