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On International Day of the Girl Child 2021, Pathfinder Nigeria trained over 150 in-school students on how to use Advance Family Planning’s SMART Advocacy Approach to advocate for change. Photo: Rain Vedutti


Global Health is Foundational: Boosting Education, Economies, and Equity for Women and Girls

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Join us to shine a spotlight on how access to high quality health care and ending early and forced marriage opens doors for women and girls around the world, boosts economies, and expands opportunity. March 30 from 3-4:00pm at the US Capitol Visitor Center, SVC 210 in Washington DC. You’re invited to an exclusive conversation with special guest Stephanie Linus special guest Stephanie Linus, UNFPA Ambassador, international Nollywood superstar, filmmaker, and a dedicated champion for women and girls in Nigeria and around the world. Stephanie will share a teaser from her award-winning and captivating film “DRY” that has helped educate and inspire action around ending early and forced marriage and expanding access to maternal health care, including fistula treatment.

We are joined by leading global health experts tohighlight how USG-supported global health programs improve the lives of women and girls in low-and middle-income countries in ways that extend beyond improving health outcomes. We’ll discuss howexpanding health care access helps combat overlapping areas of inequitykeepsgirls in school, expands economic opportunity, and helps women and girls live the lives they choose. Space is limited at this in-person event, register now >>


  • Stephanie Linus, Actress, filmmaker, and Nigerian women’s health advocate, Extended Hands Foundation
  • Lydia Murithi, Senior Global Technical and Strategy Advisor, Pathfinder International
  • Crystal Lander, Chief Strategic Engagement Officer, Pathfinder International
  • Annie Toro, President and CEO, What to Expect Project
  • Sarah Craven, Chief, Washington Office, UNFPA

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