A webinar in celebration of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day 2024
Date & Time: Wednesday, December 11, 2024 | 1:00pm – 2:45pm EAT
Join us on December 11 to celebrate Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day and discuss progress to date on UHC in Egypt, Pakistan, and Uganda.
This year’s theme “Health: It’s on the Government” is a reminder of the importance of governments taking the lead. The data shows that many countries have yet to implement the commitments they have made to their populations to guarantee #HealthForAll.
This webinar will bring together government officials from the Ministries of Health of Pakistan and Uganda, as well as partners from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (CSEM) for UHC20230, and Pathfinder International to review the progress made and future actions needed to build sustainable health systems for all.

Featured Speakers
- Lydia Saloucou, President, Africa, Pathfinder
- Dr. Mohamed Abou Nar, Interim President, SA-MENA, Pathfinder
- Yaye Sophiétou Diop, Advocacy Manager, Speak Up Africa, and member of the CSEM Advisory Group
- Dr. Sarah Byakika, Commissioner for Health Services Planning, Financing, and Policy, Ministry of Health, Uganda
- Basma Ghanem, Financial Inclusion Team Lead, Pathfinder
- Dr. Ambrose Otau Talisuna, Senior Health Advisor-Programmes, World Health Organization
- Mr. Javed Ali Jagirani, Chief Executive Officer, Pakistan Administrative Services
- Edirin Aderemi, Regional Advocacy Manager, Africa, Pathfinder