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Stories & Perspectives

Q&A with Madiha Latif

This International Women’s Day 2022, we sat down with Madiha Latif, Pathfinder Senior Program Officer in Pakistan. Madiha joined Pathfinder…

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Breaking Down Bias: Promoting Agency of Women and Girls Today, for a Sustainable Tomorrow

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, political, and other achievements of women. The day…

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Why Gender Standards Matter

In the baking world, we often see sprinkles as a garnish or afterthought. Have a bland muffin?! Add some sprinkles!…

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SMART Advocacy: More than a “Seat at the Table”

Creating a regional pool of facilitators on the SMART Advocacy 2.0 approach in West Africa. For youth activists across West…

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Interactive Games to Further Gender Equality and Family Health in Egypt

Gender equality starts at home with the family, said Hamdia Yassin Ahmed, who works with Pathfinder’s Ma’an project in Egypt.…

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A Climate Emergency in Burundi—and How We Can Address It

Pathfinder has worked with communities on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania for more than a decade, improving their resilience to…

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On International Day of the Girl Child 2021, Pathfinder Nigeria trained over 150 in-school students on how to use Advance Family Planning’s SMART Advocacy Approach to advocate for change. Photo: Rain Vedutti

The Importance of Multi-Sectoral Partnerships to Achieving Universal Health Coverage

On December 12, the world celebrated Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day—the international community came together to renew its commitment to…

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Q&A with Darlene Irby

We sat down with Darlene Irby, our new Executive Director of Digital Health, to learn more about her and her new…

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m-mama: An Emergency Transport System in Tanzania is Saving Mothers’ Lives

Imagine being transported—unconscious—in order to safely deliver your baby. That’s exactly what happened to Anna during a prolonged labor. While…

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AskNivi: A Digital Platform Helping with Cervical Cancer Prevention in Kenya

Parents of students at Rising Academy School in Kilifi County, Kenya, expressed concern when  the school management allowed the local…

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Meet Sufia and baby Rifa Moni

In early August, historic monsoons triggered landslides, flooding, and unforeseen destruction in Rohingya refugee camps. Latrines, health clinics, and homes…

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How We Address Gender-Based Violence: Moving Beyond the 16 Days of Activism

In their lives, one in three women will experience physical or sexual abuse. Yet less than one percent—one percent! —of global humanitarian…

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