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Stories & Perspectives

A Bold Partnership Dramatically Reduced the Deaths of Mothers

In 2011, I was heading President Barack Obama’s signature Global Health Initiative at the Department of State. Reporting directly to…

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Gender-Based Violence Stops Here

We recently conducted a survey of community leaders and health providers in Mozambique. We asked them about their knowledge and…

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Human Centered Design—What’s All the Buzz About?

Attend any international health conference today and ‘human-centered design’ is the newest buzzword. But, what exactly is human centered design? Aren’t…

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Beyond Bias: Human Centered Design

Human-centered design (HCD) is increasingly being applied in global health programs, but its application varies widely across projects, and its…

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The Beauty of the Female Condom

My Journey from Pageants to Family Planning Do you remember the first time you saw a condom? I do. It…

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Five Questions with Joseph Komwihangiro

A Passionate Advocate for Women & Adolescents Pathfinder is pleased to introduce our new Country Director for Tanzania, Joseph Komwihangiro.…

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Empowering Students to Avoid Pregnancies, Making My Sister Proud

This blog was originally written in French and translated into English. Zeynab headshotI counted more than 20 pregnancies—all unplanned. When…

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Crucial as Classwork: Peer Counseling on Campus

When I met my friend, Marie*, she had recently arrived at university and just learned she was HIV positive. She…

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Meet Lois Quam

In February, Pathfinder welcomed new President & CEO Lois Quam. Find out why she loves Pathfinder’s work in this Q&A—and why…

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It’s All About Inclusion: Sustainable HIV Prevention and Treatment

No meaningful progress in countering the HIV pandemic can be achieved if key populations are ignored. Just over a month…

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Advancing Abortion Rights: Lessons from Mozambique

In legally restrictive settings, barriers to abortion access can be overwhelming. You needn’t look further than the American South for…

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“We Space Our Children Like We Space Our Trees. So They Grow Big and Strong.”

At 15, Fausta gave birth to her first child. By 23, she had four. Like many girls on Uganda’s Bussi…

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