Stories & Perspectives
Stories for Change
In Mozambique, Pathfinder trains people to develop short videos to build awareness on child marriage and gender-based violence Supervisor and…
Country-led Operations at Pathfinder: Localization is Working for Us
Localization, localization, localization. It’s on everyone’s mind and is probably in the strategic plan of every company working in the…
Hope and Heartbreak for Pakistan in the Era of Climate Change
Harnessing the voices of women and youth to withstand the climate crisis My country is one of hope and heartbreak.…
Pathways – Fall 2023: Building Climate Resilience
At Pathfinder, we have been working on the frontlines of climate change for years. Over the past few, we have…
Champions of Change
Two Youth Champions Work Toward Reproductive Choice for All Twenty-year-old Sharon Ayebale, a youth champion and community health worker, is…
AmplifyPF Niger : Histoire d’un mari conquis par l’utilité de la planification familiale
Les Fada, ce sont les lieux de rencontres des hommes, jeunes et adultes pour discuter autour d’un thé. Zeinab Lawan…
Moving to Country-led Operations at Pathfinder: Take Smart Risks and Embrace Disequilibrium
At Pathfinder, we know that paths are made by walking—and I know that too. When I started along my own…
Un exemple de transfert des compétences en matière d’apurement et de validation des données de planification familiale
Financé par l’USAID, l’Agence Américaine pour le développement international, le projet AmplifyPF est mis en œuvre par Pathfinder International depuis…
The Power of Options: Hawa’s Journey to a Healthier Future
In my community, having a large family is considered a success, a blessing from God that should not be interfered…
Why We Advocate – Part 2: Recent Wins for Pathfinder – And for Rights!
This is the second piece in a series on Pathfinder’s work advocating for sexual and reproductive rights for all. Across…
Breaking Barriers: Increasing Contraceptive Options for Women in Nigeria through FC2, the Female Condom
In a world where women’s empowerment and reproductive choice are critical, FC2, the female condom (or internal condom) has emerged…
The New Frontier: Benefits and Risks of AI for NGOs
A conversation with Pathfinder’s digital innovation experts asks the important question: How do we leverage this technology, while protecting the…