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Corporate Social Responsibility for Family Planning


Advance Family Planning


There is no better return on investment to reduce global poverty than increasing access to contraception, a 120-to-1 return. We are engaging with Indian corporations on the importance of investing in family planning—including dispelling myths and fears.

Project Activities

  • Develop a package of communications material using Advance Family Planning tools to highlight the importance of investing in family planning
  • Meet with corporate staff, corporate social responsibility managers, and board members to help design and implement workplace and community interventions focused on family planning
  • Share advocacy and communications messages with corporations about the importance of investing in family planning
  • Dispel myths and misconceptions about family planning and family planning programs among corporation staff
Family planning can truly make a difference in the lives of women, their families, and entire nations. When women choose to space their children’s births, they are at less risk of maternal death and their children will have better health and nutrition outcomes. What’s more–family planning is a good investment: every rupee spent on contraception has a 110% return in savings on pregnancy costs.
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Clear Climate-health Connection Impacting Conditions for Women and Girls

This article first appeared in the Mediaplanet Global Resilience campaign, which was published in The New Scientist. The climate crisis is threatening…

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Kudos to Passing the Resolution on Climate Change and Health! Let’s Take Action Now!

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Launching a Project During a Natural Disaster: Local Partnerships are Critical!

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A Mother’s Day Wish: Making Access to Reliable Reproductive Healthcare a Global Reality

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Pathfinder Tanzania, Our Global Watchtower for Safeguarding

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Social & Behavior Change—Fostering Sustainable Change from Within

Pathfinder is well known for increasing access to lifesaving healthcare, reaching millions with contraception, saving countless women from dying in…

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Featured Publication Resources

The Latest

Empowering Girls and Young Women: The Key to Achieving an AIDS-free Generation

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Clear Climate-health Connection Impacting Conditions for Women and Girls

This article first appeared in the Mediaplanet Global Resilience campaign, which was published in The New Scientist. The climate crisis is threatening…

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South-South Learning is Key to Localization of Global Health

As we strengthen our locally led approaches to country programs and operations in every country where Pathfinder works, we must…

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