The Global Fund, through the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (2011 – 2016) and through FHI360 (2017 – 2020)
Project Outcomes
Pregnant Women Received Testing, Counseling and Results
HIV-infected Pregnant Women Started ART
Received HIV Testing/Counseling
Living with HIV Received ART
Focused on strategies aimed at increasing access to comprehensive HIV services (HTS, PMTCT, TB/HIV and ART) for both general and key populations while aligning with the goal of attaining the UNAIDS 90-90-90 goal, this project was implemented in eight states (Sokoto, Zamfara, Kebbi, Jigawa, Kano, Kaduna, Katsina, & Gombe) and supported 191 facilities (45 comprehensive facilities, 146 PHCs) & two one stop shops.
Project Activities
- Activated the site that would provide comprehensive HIV services.
- Trained, mentored, and supervised facility staff to increase quality of care.
- Educated mentor mothers to function as peer counsellors for PMTCT clients.
- Engaged case managers to provide guidance and support for patients to keep appointments and promoted antiretroviral adherence and retention-in-care.
- Promoted community engagement through TBAs and male peer educators.