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Saving Mothers, Giving Life 2.0: Improving Maternal and Newborn Health in Kaduna State


MSD for Mothers


Between 2015 and 2019, through the Saving Mothers, Giving Life Initiative and Pathfinder International’s Evidence to Action Project, and in close partnership with the Cross River State government in Nigeria, Pathfinder adapted a model to ensure pregnant women and their newborns got the care they needed.

Pathfinder’s Saving Mothers, Giving Life 2.0 in Kaduna State will scale up successful interventions from that program, working to improve access to maternal and newborn health services and strengthen collaboration and partnership between the Nigeria’s Kaduna State Ministry of Health and the private health sector.

Project Activities

  • Supported private facilities in providing high-quality care, generating demand for services, and collaborating with community stakeholders.
  • Deployed digital technologies that connect users seeking maternal health services to nearby affiliated facilities.
  • Collaborated with traditional birth attendants to reinforce their knowledge of safe birthing practices
  • Ensured women can access health facilities by addressing barriers to existing emergency transportation services.
  • Strengthened collaboration and partnership between the Kaduna State Ministry of Health and other health actors.
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