Literature Review and Expert Interviews on Provider Bias in the Provision of Youth Contraceptive Services: Research Summary & Synthesis
Provider bias can exist as both attitude and behavior. Biased attitudes and beliefs towards youth can be explicit or implicit. Explicit, or overt, biased attitudes towards youth are often rooted in a belief that, compared to older clients, they are less capable of making their own decisions, less in need of quality services, and/or less worthy of contraceptive access. Implicit, subconscious, beliefs are more complicated and can be influenced by a blend of the social, situational/professional, and biographical factors noted above and described in detail as part of this report. Biased behavior, in contrast, is the clinical manifestation of bias that inappropriately impairs youth access to contraceptive information and methods. Such behavior may include hostile or disrespectful conduct; counseling which limits access to information or use of certain products; violations of privacy; and direct or subtle expressions of judgment.
This work has been conducted by Camber Collective as part of the Beyond Bias Consortium, a team of partners led by Pathfinder International with the explicit focus on establishing a better understanding of and developing interventions to reduce provider bias towards adolescents in real world settings at scale.