Reaching Young First-Time Parents for the Healthy Spacing of Second and Subsequent Pregnancies
This literature review developed by the Evidence to Action (E2A) Project focuses on one specific population of young people largely neglected by reproductive health programs to date: first-time parents. E2A defines first-time parents as young married mothers under the age of 25 and their partners, who have one child. E2A’s literature review looks at published and grey literature in an effort to describe both enabling and constraining demand- and supply-side factors that influence first-time parents’ use of contraceptives for the purpose of spacing their second and subsequent pregnancies.
By Shanaj Parvin Parvin Jonaki, Communications Officer, Pathfinder Bangladesh and Sarah Peck, Communications Advisor Mosammat Farhana, a college student from…
Invest in Today’s Health Workforce to Help Tomorrow’s Climate Crisis
By: Crystal Lander, Pathfinder International and Caroline York, IntraHealth The effects of climate change are increasing at meteoric rates, devastating…