Project Overview: Preventing Child, Early, and Forced Marriage and Countering Violent Extremism in Cabo Delgado
The Pathfinder-led USAID Preventing Child, Early, and Forced Marriage (CEFM) and Countering Violent Extremism in Cabo Delgado (locally known as Uholo-Raparigas e Jovens) works to improve the lives and livelihoods of 22,000 adolescent girls and young women ages 10 to 24 to reduce CEFM and socioeconomic restrictions that may arise among married youth. This brief provides an overview of the Activity’s work at each level of the social-ecological model with adolescent girls and young women, their families, communities, school and health staff, judicial and law enforcement authorities, and policymakers to reduce CEFM.
By Shanaj Parvin Parvin Jonaki, Communications Officer, Pathfinder Bangladesh and Sarah Peck, Communications Advisor Mosammat Farhana, a college student from…
Invest in Today’s Health Workforce to Help Tomorrow’s Climate Crisis
By: Crystal Lander, Pathfinder International and Caroline York, IntraHealth The effects of climate change are increasing at meteoric rates, devastating…