The people and environment of the Lake Victoria Basin face complex and interrelated challenges. Communities are dependent on the lake’s resources, but population growth, forest clearing, and unsustainable fishing and agricultural practices threaten the bounty of the Basin. Families lack access to quality health services and opportunities for alternative livelihoods. Population, health, and environment (PHE) projects address the complex connections between humans, their health, and their environment by implementing integrated activities that simultaneously improve access to health services, including sexual and reproductive health and family planning, while also helping communities manage their natural resources and conserve the critical ecosystems on which they depend. This brief summarizes the results from the internal evaluation of Phases I and II of the HoPE-LVB project, implemented from 2011-2017.
Scaling-Up the Population, Health, and Environment Approach in the Lake Victoria Basin: A Review of the Results from Phases I and II of HoPE-LVB