In 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Agency for International Development, and the United Nations Population Fund spearheaded the development of the Training Resource Package for Family Planning (TRP). The TRP was developed using evidence-based technical information from several WHO publications.
E2A has developed an adapted TRP for Pre-Service Education in Family Planning (FP) and Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health (AYSRH), which contains curriculum components and tools to design, implement, and evaluate training. It offers essential resources for FP and reproductive health (RH) instructors, Ministries of Health and Education, and Directors of Schools of Nursing and Midwifery. The entire package is designed to support up-to-date training on FP, RH, and AYSRH within pre-service nursing and midwifery education.
The purpose of the TRP for pre-service education is to harmonize and strengthen the FP and AYSRH training topics for pre-service nursing and midwifery education through the application of evidence-based FP/AYSRH tools and in line with the country’s pre-service and FP policies and guidelines. It is designed to actively involve students in the learning process through use of competency-based training methods. The following figure depicts the components of the TRP for Pre-Service Education in FP and AYSRH.
TRP: How-To Guide
The “How-To Guide” provides guidance on adaptation of the Training Resource Package (TRP) and other evidence-based tools to design family planning (FP) training for pre-service education, including adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health (AYSRH) curricula. This guide is meant to be used with illustrative FP and AYSRH training modules for pre-service education (described below). This guide aims to benefit those tasked with developing and designing pre-service education for nurses and midwives in ways that include:
- Elaborating the process that can be used at country level to adapt the TRP for pre-service education and update FP curricula for nursing and midwifery.
- Providing standardized, mandatory, basic minimum core curriculum competencies for effective, evidence-based family planning/reproductive health and AYSRH service provision.
- Providing guidance on competency-based education to optimize learning and prepare nurses and midwives for desired, observable, and measurable performance that they must attain to be deemed competent.
Download the session files which include powerpoints and handouts in PDF or plain text below.
Session Topics:
Session 1: Concepts of Family Planning; Counseling
Session 2: Combined Oral Contraceptives; Progestin Only Pills; Injectable Contraceptives; Emergency Contraceptive Pills; Female Condoms; Male Condoms; Implants; IUDS; LAM: Natural FP Methods; SDM: Natural FP Methods; Female Sterilization; Vasectomy
Session 3: Overview of SRH Situation of Adolescents; Sexual & Reproductive Rights of Adolescents; Developmental Characteristics of AY Adulthood; Adolescent-Friendly Services; Communication with Adolescents; Contraception & Safe Sex; SGBV & ASYH; Screening & History Taking for ASRH