Training to Improve Quality and Access to Contraceptive Implants in Burundi’s Kayanza and Muyinga Provinces
E2A worked with the Pathfinder International-led, USAID-funded Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Project in Burundi to broaden the contraceptive method mix, and in particular increase the provision of Jadelle implants in Burundi’s Kayanza and Muyinga provinces. This technical brief describes the technical assistance provided by E2A, which built upon the MCH Project’s close partnership with the Government of Burundi’s National Program for Reproductive Health and included the following:• Developing a Facilitators’ Guide on insertion and removal of implants.
Training master trainers (senior health facility providers and supervisors) to use the Facilitators’ Guide for training health facility providers.
Developing job aids on implants for use by community-based distributors and health facility providers.
Assisting with ensuring the continued provision of high-quality family planning services.
Assisting with documenting the process and outcomes of the increased provision of Jadelle to inform scale-up.
By Shanaj Parvin Parvin Jonaki, Communications Officer, Pathfinder Bangladesh and Sarah Peck, Communications Advisor Mosammat Farhana, a college student from…
Invest in Today’s Health Workforce to Help Tomorrow’s Climate Crisis
By: Crystal Lander, Pathfinder International and Caroline York, IntraHealth The effects of climate change are increasing at meteoric rates, devastating…