Using TARP to Inform the Development of Family Planning Strategy
Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Tool for Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health (AYRH)-Responsive Planning (TARP) is a user-friendly digital application for youth advocates—of any age—to analyze family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) plans and budgets to determine how responsive they are to the needs of young people (ages 15–24) in a particular setting. This brief provides an introduction to TARP, presents the E2A-developed TARP Theory of Change, and assesses TARP’s effectiveness in relation to the theory of change, drawing on participants’ feedback and perceptions of the tool at a TARP training workshop in the DRC.
By Shanaj Parvin Parvin Jonaki, Communications Officer, Pathfinder Bangladesh and Sarah Peck, Communications Advisor Mosammat Farhana, a college student from…
Invest in Today’s Health Workforce to Help Tomorrow’s Climate Crisis
By: Crystal Lander, Pathfinder International and Caroline York, IntraHealth The effects of climate change are increasing at meteoric rates, devastating…