Utilizing a Three-Step Process to Remove Barriers to Youth Behavior Change
Since January 2017, the Evidence to Action (E2A) Project has implemented the Resilience in the Sahel Enhanced-Family Planning (RISE-FP) intervention to strengthen institutions, increase sustainable wellbeing, and improve the health and nutrition of vulnerable Sahelian communities.
In 80 rural villages, young people led behavior change activities using Pathfinder International’s Pathways to Change game to (1) promote healthy behaviors and gender equality; (2) identify and collect data on barriers and facilitators to change in gender dynamics, knowledge, and use of services for family planning and reproductive health; and (3) develop and implement community workplans to combat these barriers. Learn more about the Pathways to Change Cycle.
By Shanaj Parvin Parvin Jonaki, Communications Officer, Pathfinder Bangladesh and Sarah Peck, Communications Advisor Mosammat Farhana, a college student from…
Invest in Today’s Health Workforce to Help Tomorrow’s Climate Crisis
By: Crystal Lander, Pathfinder International and Caroline York, IntraHealth The effects of climate change are increasing at meteoric rates, devastating…