Presidents' Council
Michelle Marie Grabanski Pohlad is a dynamic transformational visionary and coach who is most invigorated when guiding people to reach their fullest potential rooted in love. Her hunger for education, knowledge, and experience has led her to acquire various degrees and certificates which include a Bachelor of Science in Retail Merchandising and two Graduate Certificates for Child Abuse Prevention. Other certifications include Life Coach, Agent for Conscious Evolution, Magdalene Rose Priestess, and Peace Ambassador. Her education combined with her varied work experience and interests, has continually led her to be inspired and to inspire and empower others.
Using her skills in management, philanthropy, training, facilitation, speaking, writing, and program development and implementation, she has recently co-authored Personal Heart Power: Transforming to a Love-focused Life and established her newest initiative, Love Voice Rising. This is a love-focused initiative supporting others toward living their desired and authentic life while maintaining and expanding her own. She is focused on shifting to a world rooted in love that becomes more desirable than the one rooted in fear. She lives in Minneapolis with her greatest loves, Bill and Oliver.